About Parkway Trading
Parkway Trading (PWT) is a Melbourne based private equity group, managing a macro multi strategy fund. At its core, is an investment managing ethos of adding value on an absolute return basis which does not measure performance against the variations of a benchmark index.
Our team combines deep experience in financial markets with diversity of background and thought. We believe in long-term wealth creation and building lasting relationships with our investors.
We focus on stock selection (listed and unlisted), the funds are high conviction, concentrated and index agnostic. Our aim is to capture real earnings per share growth over the long-term. As a result, the portfolios have low turnover and produce tax effective returns.
Parkway Trading’s philosophy is to invest sensibly for the long term. A bottom-up stock selection process is used to identify good businesses selling at a fair price.
As a good business evolves into a great business, its underlying real earnings per share grows. Parkway Trading aims to capture as much of this earnings growth as possible over time, since this is what translations into share price appreciation.
Our portfolios are made up of our best ideas rather than slight variations to an index. We believe that simply hugging an index limits the returns to our investors over the long run.
Our fund is a closed ended fund and available only to persons to whom a product disclosure statement is not required to be given under Division 2 of Part 7.9 of the Corporations Act, 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”). This includes “Wholesale Clients” within the meaning of s. 761G pf the Corporations Act and ‘Sophisticated Investors’ within the meaning of s. 761GA of the Corporations Act. It is not available to retail clients.
Investing in Parkway Trading
An investment in our fund is subject to investment risk and other risks including possible loss of income and capital invested. Neither the trustee of the fund nor any other person gives any guarantee or assurance as to the performance of the fund or the repayment of capital. Prospective investors should seek advice from their own accountant, lawyer or investment advisor in relation to the general appropriateness of, the obligations assumed by, the investment risks attaching to and the rewards that might potentially be available by completing a subscription to the investment offered.
Except as required by law, neither the trustee of the fund nor any other person warrants the future performance of the fund or any return on any investment. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made in relation to, and no responsibility or liability (whether for negligence, under statute or otherwise) is or will be accepted by the fund and/or its manager, or by any of its respective officers, directors, shareholders partners, employees of, or advisers in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information, statements, opinions or matters (express or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from this website or any omission from this website or of any other written or oral information or opinions provided now or in the future to any interested part or its advisers. In particular, no representation or warranty is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of any plans, future projections, management targets, prospects or returns and nothing on this website is or should be relied upon as a promise or representation as to the future. Each of the fund, the manager and the trustee expressly disclaim all liability for any loss or damage of whatsoever kind (whether foreseeable or not) which may arise from any person acting on any information and opinions relating to the details contained on this website or any information, which is made available in connection with any further enquiries, notwithstanding any negligence, default or lack of care.